Caskets and Urns
The final destination of your loved one’s ashes
will probably determine the most suitable container.
Oak or Mahogany Casket
Most suitable for burial.
Colourful Casket
Choose from any of these lovely caskets for adult, child or infant cremated remains. We also provide a fully bespoke personalised design. These beautiful wooden caskets are covered with environmentally friendly materials using environmentally friendly inks and are hand finished to the highest standard. All of the cremated remains caskets shown can be personalised and are created in traditional wood.
Please browse through the gallery below to see a selection of these casket designs.
Willow Caskets or Urns
Suitable for burial.
Scatter Tube
Attractive biodegradable tube – suitable for scattering ashes.
Keepsake Urns, Jewellery & More
You may wish to keep a small portion of your loved one’s ashes. There are many designs available – we keep a small selection and will help you choose an appropriate piece.
All images are to give you an idea of what we offer but are subject to availability. Please ask about what is currently available.
Contact Cotton & Son
01305 76 76 76
Find Us At
Milton House | 1 Milton Rd
Weymouth | Dorset | DT4 0AZ
Cotton & Son Limited
Cotton & Son Limited is a
trading name AJ Wakely & Sons Ltd.
Registered in England & Wales
Registration No. 1977927
Registered office:
91 East Street | Bridport
Dorset | DT6 3RX