If there’s a need for
Coroner’s Involvement
If a death occurs which is sudden or unexpected, or if the deceased’s doctor is unsure of the cause of death and feels unable to issue the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death (MCCD), the death will usually be reported to the Coroner.
In these cases, registration will be delayed.
Coroner’s Office
The Coroner or the Coroner’s Officer will discuss the death with the doctor and a decision will be made to either:
- Allow the doctor to issue the MCCD – Registration will then take place as normal.
- Instruct a Post Mortem Examination to be carried out.If the cause of death is found to be natural, the Coroner’s office will issue the appropriate form, the equivalent of a Medical Certificate and you will be informed when to contact the Registrar’s Office.
The Coroner or the Coroner’s Officer will discuss the death with the doctor and a decision will be made to either:
- Allow the doctor to issue the MCCD – Registration will then take place as normal.
- Instruct a Post Mortem Examination to be carried out.If the cause of death is found to be natural, the Coroner’s office will issue the appropriate form, the equivalent of a Medical Certificate and you will be informed when to contact the Registrar’s Office.
What Happens if…
The Cause is Accidental
or a Violent Act
If the death was caused by an accident or violent act, or maybe industrial illness, the Coroner may decide that an Inquest is necessary.
The Inquest can take many months, but does not need to delay the funeral.
The Coroner will issue ‘Interim Certificate(s)’ which will allow you to administer the deceased’s estate.
You will not need to register the death – the Coroner will do this.
If the death was caused by an accident or violent act, or maybe industrial illness, the Coroner may decide that an Inquest is necessary.
The Inquest can take many months, but does not need to delay the funeral. The Coroner will issue ‘Interim Certificate(s)’ which will allow you to administer the deceased’s estate.
You will not need to register the death – the Coroner will do this.
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01305 76 76 76
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Milton House | 1 Milton Rd
Weymouth | Dorset | DT4 0AZ
Cotton & Son Limited
Cotton & Son Limited is a
trading name AJ Wakely & Sons Ltd.
Registered in England & Wales
Registration No. 1977927
Registered office:
91 East Street | Bridport
Dorset | DT6 3RX