What will it cost?

Prices valid from 1st March 2025

Standardised Price List

All Funeral Directors are legally required to publish this Price List for a standardised set of products and services. This is to help you think through your options, make choices, and to let you compare prices between funeral directors. This Standardised Price List is in line with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) requirements.


(Funeral Director’s Charges Only)

This is a funeral where family and friends have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person at the same time as they attend the burial or cremation.

Taking care of all necessary legal and administrative arrangements
Collecting and transporting the deceased person from the place of death into our care (normally within 15 mile radius)
Care of the deceased person before the funeral in appropriate facilities. The deceased person will be kept at our premises in Milton Road, Weymouth
Providing a suitable coffin – this will be an oak wood effect veneer style
Viewing of the deceased for family and friends, by appointment with the funeral director
No Charge
At a date and time agreed with the funeral director, taking the deceased person direct to the agreed crematorium or cemetery (normally within 20 miles of the Funeral Director’s premises) in a hearse or other appropriate vehicle


This is a funeral where family and friends may choose to have a ceremony, event or service for the deceased person, but they do not attend the burial or cremation itself.


(Funeral Director’s Charges only)


(Funeral Director’s Charges plus Cremation fee) 2


For an Attended or Unattended Burial, the Burial Fee:1

In this local area, the typical cost of the burial fee for a local resident is:


For a new grave, you will also need to pay for the plot: for an existing grave with a memorial in place, you may need to pay a removal/replacement fee. In addition, the cemetery may charge a number of other fees.

In this local area, the typical cost of the purchase for a local resident is:


For an Attended Cremation, the Cremation Fee: 2


Please discuss any specific religious,
belief-based and/or cultural requirements
that you have with the Funeral Director


The Funeral Director may be able to supply a range of optional, additional products and services, or to arrange (on your behalf) for a third party to supply them. Examples include:

Additional mileage (price per mile)
Additional transfers of the deceased (eg, to their home or place of worship overnight)
Collection and delivery of ashes
Price on request
Funeral Officiant
from £240.00

(e.g. celebrant, minister of religion etc.)

Services supplied out of normal office hours
Price on request

The Funeral Director can give you a full list of what they can supply. They are likely to charge for these additional products and services, so you may choose to take care of some arrangements without their involvement, or you can use a different supplier.

1 This fee (which is sometimes called the interment fee) is the charge made for digging and closing a new grave, or for reopening and closing an existing grave.

2In England, Wales & Northern Ireland, you will usually need to pay doctors’ fees as well. This is the charge for two doctors to sign Medical Certificates for Cremation

Standardised Price List

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Additional Funeral Services

TRADITIONAL FUNERAL SERVICE may take many forms and you have many options from which to choose.

Our Professional Charges

Bringing the deceased into our care at any time, day or night, from a local address, hospital or care home, and providing continuing care until the day of the funeral.

Advice and information on registration

Attending to arrangements, completing all necessary documentation, liaising with ministers and crematorium.

Attendance at the funeral.

Provision of hearse and all necessary staff for the funeral

Visiting the deceased at our chapel of rest – by appointment

Ordering floral tributes on behalf of the family

Placing newspaper announcements if required

Accepting Charitable Donations in lieu of flowers. This may also be done through our website.


Veneered, light oak, plain
Veneered, light oak, panelled
Veneered, mahogany
Solid wood
from £1350.00
Colourful Coffin
Cardboard, Plain


Cremated remains casket (oak)
Cremated remains double casket (oak)
from £95.00
Cremated remains urn
Scatter tube
Keepsake urns
from £35.00


Provision of a limousine
Horse-drawn hearse
from £2200.00
Embalming (If required)
Conveyance of deceased into church or home overnight
Taking names at Funeral Service
Preparation of grave for interment of cremated remains in churchyard


Cremation Fee
Crematorium Chapel (for Memorial Service)
Webcasting at Crematorium
from £54.00
Use of Chapel Screens at Crematorium
from £74.00


Cremation Burial Ground

Purchase of grave
Interment fee

Weymouth, Wyke, Melcombe Cemeteries

Purchase of grave
Interment fee

Portland Cemetery

Purchase of grave
Interment fee

Interment in Churchyard

Interment in Churchyard - full burial
from £379.00
Gravedigger for Churchyard for full burial
Burial of ashes in Churchyard (Including preparation of grave)
Church Service
from £264.00
Organist at Church
from £90.00

Additional Funeral Services

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Crematorium Information and Terms of Business


Crematorium Standard Fee

Attended Service – Total Cremation Fee

  • Medical Referee (£19.00)
  • Digital Music System (£6.98)
  • Use of the Chapel
  • Biodegradable Ashes Container
  • Cremation Certificate
Direct Cremation

Unattended without a Ceremony

  • Medical Certificate (£19.00)
  • Biodegradable Ashes Container
  • Cremation Certificate
Person under 18 years of age
  • A Standard Cremation Service is a maximum of 30 minutes in the chapel, with an additional 15 minutes between services to allow for the movement of mourners and cleansing of the chapel.
  • If a service over-runs its allotted time, the Council reserves the right to charge an additional £200.

For a full list of Crematorium Services and Products, please ask us for a price list or
click here for Weymouth Crematorium


  • We will provide you with a written estimate of charges when we know your requirements.
  • 50% of the estimated total is payable as a deposit 7 days before the funeral, or immediately if the funeral is to take place in less than 7 days.
  • An invoice will be sent immediately after the funeral showing the details and total amount of our charges and the balance remaining after deduction of any deposit.  Payment of the balance is due within 30 days of the date of the invoice
  • For a Direct / Unattended Funeral, we require full payment before we book the funeral.
  • We accept payment by Cheque, Bank Transfer, Credit Card or Debit Card.
  • If payment of the deposit causes difficulties, we may agree to defer payment until the final invoice providing the payment is guaranteed in writing, by a solicitor, bank or similar person
  • We realise that sometimes there may be an unavoidable delay in payment for funeral invoices and we will take a sympathetic view. However, we reserve the right to charge interest on any invoice, or part of an invoice, which is unpaid by the due date at the rate of 2½% per annum above the base rate of HSBC bank.


  • Cotton & Son Funeral Directors is owned by AJ Wakely & Sons Ltd
  • Registered in England & Wales: Company No 1977927
  • Registered Office: 91 East Street, Bridport, Dorset DT6 3LB

Crematorium Information and Terms of Business

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Contact Cotton & Son


01305 76 76 76

Find Us At

Milton House | 1 Milton Rd
Weymouth | Dorset | DT4 0AZ

Cotton & Son Limited

Cotton & Son Limited is a
trading name AJ Wakely & Sons Ltd.

Registered in England & Wales
Registration No. 1977927

Registered office:
91 East Street | Bridport
Dorset | DT6 3RX