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Tell Us Once
Tell Us Once is a service that lets you report a death to most government organisations government departments and local council services in one go.
The full Tell Us Once service is currently suspended due to COVID-19 but they can help families to complete this themselves.
Organisations ‘Tell Us Once’ will contact on your behalf
Local Councils
- housing Benefit Office
- Council Tax Benefit Office
- council tax
- collection of payment for council services
- libraries
- electoral services
- blue badges
- Adult Services
- Children’s Services
- council housing
Department for Work and Pensions
- Pension, Disability and Carers Service
- Jobcentre Plus
- Overseas Health Team
HM Revenue and Customs
- Child Benefit
- Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit
- Personal Taxation
Identity Passport Service
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
Ministry of Defence, Service Personnel
and Veterans Agency
- War Pensions Scheme
Contact Cotton & Son
01305 76 76 76
Find Us At
Milton House | 1 Milton Rd
Weymouth | Dorset | DT4 0AZ
Cotton & Son Limited
Cotton & Son Limited is a
trading name AJ Wakely & Sons Ltd.
Registered in England & Wales
Registration No. 1977927
Registered office:
91 East Street | Bridport
Dorset | DT6 3RX